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10.2. Graph Implementations

10.2.1. Graph API

We next turn to the problem of implementing a general-purpose graph class. There are two traditional approaches to representing graphs: The adjacency matrix and the adjacency list. In this module we will show actual implementations for each approach. We will begin with an interface defining an ADT for graphs that a given implementation must meet.

// Note: This interface does not exist in the standard Java API.
interface Graph<V> {
    boolean addVertex(V v);                      // Adds the vertex v to the graph. Returns true if it wasn't already in the graph.
    boolean addEdge(Edge<V> e);                  // Adds the edge e to the graph. Returns true if it wasn't already in the graph.
    Collection<V> vertices();                    // Returns a Collection of all vertices in the graph.
    Collection<Edge<V>> outgoingEdges(V from);   // Returns a Collection of the edges that originates in vertex v.
    int vertexCount();                           // Returns the number of vertices in the graph.
    int edgeCount();                             // Returns the number of edges in the graph.

class Edge<V> {
    public final V start;        // The start vertex.
    public final V end;          // The end vertex.
    public final double weight;  // The weight.

    Edge(V start, V end) {
        this(start, end, 1.0);
    Edge(V start, V end, double weight) {
        this.start = start; this.end = end; this.weight = weight;
class Graph:
    def addVertex(self, v):     """Adds the vertex v to the graph. Returns true if it wasn't already in the graph."""
    def addEdge(self, e):       """Adds the edge e to the graph. Returns true if it wasn't already in the graph."""
    def vertices(self):         """Returns a Collection of all vertices in the graph."""
    def outgoingEdges(self, v): """Returns a Collection of the edges that originates in vertex v."""
    def vertexCount(self):      """Returns the number of vertices in the graph."""
    def edgeCount(self):        """Returns the number of edges in the graph."""

from collections import namedtuple
Edge = namedtuple('Edge', ['start', 'end', 'weight'], defaults=[1.0])

Note that this API is quite generic, and perhaps not suited for all kinds of implementations. For example, the adjacency matrix implementation works best if the vertices are integers in the range \(0\ldots |\mathbf{V}|-1\) where \(|\mathbf{V}|\) is the number of vertices.

The interface Graph has methods to return the number of vertices and edges (methods vertexCount and edgeCount, respectively). You can add vertices and edges by the methods addVertex and addEdge. Normally you don’t have to add vertices explicitly, because addEdge should do that for you if necessary.

Given an edge, we can use the attributes start and end to know the adjacent vertices, and weight to know the weight. Note that these attributes are final, which means that they cannot be changed after initialisation.

Nearly every graph algorithm presented in this chapter will require visits to all neighbors of a given vertex. The outgoingEdges method returns a collection containing the edges that originate in the given vertex. To get the neighbors you can simply call e.end for each outgoing edge e. The following lines appear in many graph algorithms:

for each edge e in G.outgoingEdges(v):
    w = e.end
    if w is not in visited:
        add w to visited something with v, w, or e...

Here, visited is a set of vertices to keep track that we don’t visit a vertex twice.

It is reasonably straightforward to implement our graph ADT using either the adjacency list or adjacency matrix. The sample implementations presented here do not address the issue of how the graph is actually created. The user of these implementations must add functionality for this purpose, perhaps reading the graph description from a file. The graph can be built up by using the addEdge function provided by the ADT.

10.2.2. Adjacency Matrix

Here is an implementation for the adjacency matrix.

class MatrixGraph implements Graph<Integer> {
    private double[][] edgeMatrix;
    private int totalEdges;

    public MatrixGraph(int numVertices) {
        edgeMatrix = new double[numVertices][numVertices];
        totalEdges = 0;

    public int vertexCount() {
        return edgeMatrix.length;

    public int edgeCount() {
        return totalEdges;

    public boolean addVertex(Integer v) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("You cannot add vertices to a MatrixGraph");

    public boolean addEdge(Edge<Integer> e) {
        if (e.weight == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Edges cannot have weight 0");
        boolean isNew = edgeMatrix[e.start][e.end] == 0;
        edgeMatrix[e.start][e.end] = e.weight;
        if (isNew)
        return isNew;

    public Collection<Integer> vertices() {
        Queue<Integer> range = new LinkedQueue<>();
        for (int v=0; v < edgeMatrix.length; v++)
        return range;

    public Collection<Edge<Integer>> outgoingEdges(Integer v) {
        Queue<Edge<Integer>> outgoing = new LinkedQueue<>();
        for (int w=0; w < edgeMatrix.length; w++)
            if (edgeMatrix[v][w] != 0)
                outgoing.enqueue(new Edge<Integer>(v, w, edgeMatrix[v][w]));
        return outgoing;

    // For an adjacency matrix, it's much more efficient to get information
    // about known edges, than to search through outgoingEdges,
    // so we add these two as convenience methods.

    public boolean isEdge(Integer v, Integer w) {
        return edgeMatrix[v][w] != 0;

    public double edgeWeight(Integer v, Integer w) {
        return edgeMatrix[v][w];

class MatrixGraph(Graph):
    _edgeMatrix : list[list[float]]
    _totalEdges : int

    def __init__(self, numVertices : int):
        self._edgeMatrix = [[0] * numVertices for _ in range(numVertices)]
        self._totalEdges = 0

    def vertexCount(self) -> int:
        return len(self._edgeMatrix)

    def edgeCount(self) -> int:
        return self._totalEdges

    def addVertex(self, v : int) -> bool:
        raise NotImplementedError("You cannot add vertices to a MatrixGraph")

    def addEdge(self, e : Edge[int]) -> bool:
        if e.weight == 0: raise ValueError("Edges cannot have weight 0")
        isNew : bool = self._edgeMatrix[e.start][e.end] == 0
        self._edgeMatrix[e.start][e.end] = e.weight
        if isNew:
            self._totalEdges += 1
        return isNew

    def vertices(self) -> Collection:
        return range(self._vertexCount())

    def outgoingEdges(self, v : int) -> Collection:
        outgoing = [ Edge(v, w, weight)
                     for (w, weight) in enumerate(self._edgeMatrix[v])
                     if weight != 0 ]
        return outgoing

    # For an adjacency matrix, it's much more efficient to get information
    # about known edges, than to search through outgoingEdges,
    # so we add these two as convenience methods.

    def isEdge(self, v : int, w : int) -> bool:
        return self._edgeMatrix[v][w] != 0

    def edgeWeight(self, v : int, w : int) -> float: 
        return self._edgeMatrix[v][w]

The edge matrix is implemented as an integer array of size \(n \times n\) for a graph of \(n\) vertices. Position \((i, j)\) in the matrix stores the weight for edge \((i, j)\) if it exists. A weight of zero for edge \((i, j)\) is used to indicate that no edge connects Vertices \(i\) and \(j\).

This means that this simple implementation of an adjacency matrix does not work for all kinds of vertex types, but only for integer vertices. In addition, the vertices must be numbered \(0\ldots |\mathbf{V}|-1\). Therefore, the addVertex method is not used in this implementation, and instead the user has to specify the number of vertices from the start. The vertices method returns a collection of all vertices, which in this case is just the numbers \(0\ldots |\mathbf{V}|-1\).

Given a vertex \(v\), the outgoingEdges method scans through row v of the matix to locate the positions of the various neighbors. It creates an edge for each neighbour and adds it to a queue. (There is no special reason why we use a queue, we could use a stack or a list too).

10.2.3. Adjacency List

Here is an implementation of the adjacency list representation for graphs. This implementation uses a generic type for vertices, so that you can use strings or anything else.

Its main data structure is a map from vertices to sets of edges. Exactly which kind of map or set we use can depend on our needs, but in this implementation we use a separate chaining hash map, backed with a set implemented as a linked list.

So, for each vertex, we store a linked list of all the edges originating from that vertex. This makes the method outgoingEdges very efficient, because the only thing we have to do is to look up the given vertex in the internal map. To make the methods vertexCount and vertices efficient, we in addition store the vertices separately in the set verticesSet.

The implementations of the API methods are quite straightforward, as can be seen here:

class AdjacencyGraph<V> implements Graph<V> {
    private Map<V, Set<Edge<V>>> edgesMap;
    private Set<V> verticesSet;
    private int totalEdges;

    public AdjacencyGraph() {
        edgesMap = new SeparateChainingHashMap<>();
        verticesSet = new MapSet<>();
        totalEdges = 0;

    public int vertexCount() {
        return verticesSet.size();

    public int edgeCount() {
        return totalEdges;

    public boolean addVertex(V v) {
        return verticesSet.add(v);

    public boolean addEdge(Edge<V> e) {
        Set<Edge<V>> outgoingEdges = edgesMap.get(e.start);
        if (outgoingEdges == null) {
            outgoingEdges = new MapSet<>(new LinkedMap<>());
            edgesMap.put(e.start, outgoingEdges);
        boolean isNew = outgoingEdges.add(e);
        if (isNew) 
        return isNew;

    public Collection<V> vertices() {
        return verticesSet;

    public Collection<Edge<V>> outgoingEdges(V from) {
        return edgesMap.get(from);
class AdjacencyGraph(Graph):
    _edgesMap    : Map
    _verticesSet : Set
    _totalEdges  : int

    def __init__(self):
        self._edgesMap = SeparateChainingHashMap()
        self._verticesSet = MapSet()
        self._totalEdges = 0

    def vertexCount(self) -> int:
        return self._verticesSet.size()

    def edgeCount(self) -> int:
        return self._totalEdges

    def addVertex(self, v) -> bool:
        return self._verticesSet.add(v)

    def addEdge(self, e : Edge) -> bool:
        outgoingEdges : Set = self._edgesMap.get(e.start)
        if outgoingEdges is None:
            outgoingEdges = MapSet(LinkedMap)
            self._edgesMap.put(e.start, outgoingEdges)
        isNew : bool = outgoingEdges.add(e)
        if isNew:
            self._totalEdges += 1
        return isNew

    def vertices(self) -> Collection:
        return self._verticesSet

    def outgoingEdges(self, frm) -> Collection:
        return self._edgesMap.get(frm)

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