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10.7. Kruskal’s Algorithm

10.7.1. Kruskal’s Algorithm

Our next MCST algorithm is commonly referred to as Kruskal’s algorithm. Kruskal’s algorithm is also a simple, greedy algorithm. First partition the set of vertices into \(|\mathbf{V}|\) disjoint sets, each consisting of one vertex. Then process the edges in order of weight. An edge is added to the MCST, and two disjoint sets combined, if the edge connects two vertices in different disjoint sets. This process is repeated until only one disjoint set remains.


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The edges can be processed in order of weight by putting them in an array and then sorting the array. Another possibility is to use a minimum priority queue, similar to what we did in Prim’s algorithm.

The only tricky part to this algorithm is determining if two vertices belong to the same equivalence class. Fortunately, the ideal algorithm is available for the purpose – the UNION/FIND. Here is an implementation for Kruskal’s algorithm. Note that since the MCST will never have more than \(|\mathbf{V}|-1\) edges, we can return as soon as the MCST contains enough edges.

// Kruskal's MST algorithm
static void <V> Kruskal(Graph<V> G) {
    ParPtrTree A = new ParPtrTree();
    for (V v : G.vertices())
        A.MAKE_SET(v);   // Create one singleton set for each vertex

    Edge<V>[] E = new Edge<>[edgeCount];
    for (V v : G.vertices())
        for (Edge<V> edge : G.outgoingEdges(v))
    Arrays.sort(E, weightComparator);       // Sort the edges by increasing weight

    int numEdgesInMST = 0;
    for (Edge<V> edge : E) {
        if (A.FIND(edge.start) != A.FIND(edge.end)) {  // If the vertices are not connected
            AddEdgetoMST(edge);             // Add this edge to the MCST
            if (numEdgesInMST >= G.vertexCount()-1)
                return;                     // Stop when the MST has |V|-1 edges
            A.UNION(edge.start, edge.end);  // Connect the two vertices

Kruskal’s algorithm is dominated by the time required to process the edges. The FIND and UNION functions are nearly constant in time if path compression and weighted union is used. Thus, the total cost of the algorithm is \(\Theta(|\mathbf{E}| \log |\mathbf{E}|)\) in the worst case, when nearly all edges must be processed before all the edges of the spanning tree are found and the algorithm can stop. More often the edges of the spanning tree are the shorter ones, and only about \(|\mathbf{V}|\) edges must be processed. If so, the cost is often close to \(\Theta(|\mathbf{V}| \log |\mathbf{E}|)\) in the average case (provided we use a priority queue instead of sorting all edges in advance).

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