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Data Structures and Algorithms

Chapter 4 Linear Structures

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4.6. Comparison of List Implementations

4.6.1. Space Comparison

Now that you have seen two substantially different implementations for lists, it is natural to ask which is better. In particular, if you must implement a list for some task, which implementation should you choose?

Given a collection of elements to store, they take up some amount of space whether they are simple integers or large objects with many fields. Any container data structure like a list then requires some additional space to organize the elements being stored. This additional space is called overhead.

Array-based lists have the disadvantage that their size must be predetermined before the array can be allocated. Static array-based lists cannot grow beyond their predetermined size, but dynamic lists will automatically reallocate the array when needed. However, when the list has recently been reallocated, a substantial amount of space might be tied up in a largely empty array. This empty space is the overhead required by the array-based list. Linked lists have the advantage that they only need space for the objects actually on the list. There is no limit to the number of elements in either a linked list or a dynamic array-based list, as long as there is free store memory available.

The amount of space required by a linked list is directly proportional to the number of elements \(n\). Assuming that each list node takes up \(K\) bytes of memory, the full list will use \(Kn\) bytes. The amount of space required by an array-based list is in the worst case three times as much as \(n\) times the size of an array cell. (This worst case will arise when we remove a lot of elements from the list, because we wait until it is 1/3 full until we shrink the array). So assuming that one array cell takes up \(C\) bytes, the full array-based list will use at least \(Cn\) bytes, and at most \(3Cn\) bytes.

So, which one is the best? It depends on the size of the list nodes \(K\), compared to the size of the array cells \(C\). Array-based lists have the advantage that there is no wasted space for an individual element. Linked lists require that an extra pointer for the next field be added to every list node. So the linked list has these next pointers as overhead. In many cases, \(K\) is 2–3 times as large as \(C\), so they will be quite similar in size on average. But this depends on the programming language, the operating system, and perhaps other factors.

Note that these calculations exclude the memory used by the actual list elements, since the lists themselves only contain pointers to the elements! And in many cases, the objects themselves are much larger than the list nodes (or array cells).

4.6.2. Time Comparison

Array-based lists are faster for access by position. To locate an element anywhere in the list is constant time, i.e., they take \(\Theta(1)\) time. In contrast, for singly linked lists, access by position requires that we march down the list from the front to the specified position. This requires \(\Theta(n)\) time in the worst case, which is when if we want to locate the very last element.

Assuming that we already have located a suitable location in the list, insertion and removal are constant time, \(\Theta(1)\). However, as already mentioned, finding that location takes \(\Theta(n)\), so the add and remove methods are linear time, \(\Theta(n)\). Array-based lists must shift the remainder of the list up or down within the array. This requires \(\Theta(n)\) time in the worst case.

Note that linked lists and array-based lists have different worst-case isntances! For a linked list, inserting/removing at the end takes the longest time, while for an array-base list, the problem is to insert/remove from the beginning. When to use linked lists?

According to the calculations above, linked lists are worse than array-based lists, because all operations are slow (linear time). So why even bother using linked lists?

First there are limited versions of lists that can be implemented efficiently using linked lists, we will look at stacks and queues later. Second, our list API is not the best for linked lists. If we instead could have a pointer to the “current” list node, and have methods for moving forward and backward in the list, several of the operations can be constant time. In the Java standard API this is called a ListIterator, which is part of Java’s standard LinkedList.

But these advanced list iterators are not part of this course, and in fact there are not many algorithms where list iterators are particularly useful. Practice Questions

4.6.3. How are lists implemented in the standard libraries?

All serious languages have dynamic list implementations. Here are how they are implemented in Java and Python:

  • In Java, java.util.ArrayList implements dynamic arrays, meaning that the internal array grows automatically when necessary. The growth factor is 50%, so that if the array has size 1024, it will grow with another 512 elements. [Source:] However, the ArrayList will never shrink automatically, but instead it’s up to the programmer to decide when to shrink it.

  • Java’s java.util.LinkedList implements doubly-linked lists, so that the iterator can move forward and backward through the list. [Source:]

  • Python’s standard lists are dynamic. In fact, Python doesn’t even support fixed-length lists, so our code in this chapter is a bit of a hack. Python lists both grow and shrink the lists automatically, and the growth factor is 1/8 (12.5%), meaning that if the array has size 1024, it will grow with another 128 elements. It shrinks the array by 1/8 whenever less than half of the array is occupied. [Source: listobject.c]

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