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Data Structures and Algorithms

Chapter 2 Arrays: Searching and Sorting

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2.12. Quicksort

2.12.1. Introduction

While Mergesort uses the most obvious form of divide and conquer (split the list in half then sort the halves), this is not the only way that we can break down the sorting problem. We saw that doing the merge step for Mergesort when using an array implementation is not so easy. So perhaps a different divide and conquer strategy might turn out to be more efficient?

Quicksort is aptly named because, when properly implemented, it is one of the fastest known general-purpose in-memory sorting algorithms in the average case. It does not require the extra array needed by Mergesort, so it is space efficient as well. Quicksort is widely used, and is typically the algorithm implemented in a library sort routine such as the UNIX qsort function. Interestingly, Quicksort is hampered by exceedingly poor worst-case performance, thus making it inappropriate for certain applications.

Quicksort first selects a value called the pivot. Assume that the input array contains \(k\) records with key values less than the pivot. The records are then rearranged in such a way that the \(k\) values less than the pivot are placed in the first, or leftmost, \(k\) positions in the array, the pivot itself is placed at index \(k\), and the values greater than or equal to the pivot are placed in the last, or rightmost, \(n-k-1\) positions. This is called a partition of the array. The values placed in a given partition need not (and typically will not) be sorted with respect to each other. All that is required is that all values end up in the correct partition. The pivot value itself is placed in position \(k\). Quicksort then proceeds to sort the resulting subarrays now on either side of the pivot, one of size \(k\) and the other of size \(n-k-1\). How are these values sorted? Because Quicksort is such a good algorithm, using Quicksort on the subarrays would be appropriate.

Unlike some of the sorts that we have seen earlier in this chapter, Quicksort might not seem very “natural” in that it is not an approach that a person is likely to use to sort real objects. But it should not be too surprising that a really efficient sort for huge numbers of abstract objects on a computer would be rather different from our experiences with sorting a relatively few physical objects.

Here is an implementation for Quicksort. Parameters left and right define the left and right indices, respectively, for the subarray being sorted. The initial call to quickSort would be quickSort(array, 0, n-1).

public static <E extends Comparable<E>> void quickSort(E[] A, int left, int right) {
    if (left >= right)                          // Base case: Subarray length is <= 1
    int pivot = findPivot(A, left, right);      // Pick a pivot index
    pivot = partition(A, left, right, pivot);   // Partition the subarray; update pivot with its new position
    quickSort(A, left, pivot-1);                // Sort left partition
    quickSort(A, pivot+1, right);               // Sort right partition
def quickSort(A, left, right):
    if left >= right:                          # Base case: Subarray length is <= 1
    pivot = findPivot(A, left, right)          # Pick a pivot index
    pivot = partition(A, left, right, pivot)   # Partition the subarray; update pivot with its new position
    quickSort(A, left, pivot-1)                # Sort left partition
    quickSort(A, pivot+1, right)               # Sort right partition

Function partition will move records to the appropriate partition and then return the final position of the pivot. This is the correct position of the pivot in the final, sorted array. By doing so, we guarantee that at least one value (the pivot) will not be processed in the recursive calls to quickSort. Even if a bad pivot is selected, yielding a completely empty partition to one side of the pivot, the larger partition will contain at most \(n-1\) records.

Selecting a pivot can be done in many ways. The simplest is to use the first key. However, if the input is sorted or reverse sorted, this will produce a poor partitioning with all values to one side of the pivot. One simple way to avoid this problem is to select the middle position in the array. Here is a simple findPivot function implementing this idea. Note that later in the chapter we will switch to a better pivot selection strategy.

static <E extends Comparable<E>> int findPivot(E[] A, int i, int j) {
    // Not-so-good pivot selection: always choose the middle element.
    return (i + j) / 2;
def findPivot(A, i, j):
    """Not-so-good pivot selection: always choose the middle element."""
    return (i + j) // 2

2.12.2. Partition

We now turn to function partition. If we knew in advance how many keys are less than the pivot, partition could simply copy records with key values less than the pivot to the low end of the array, and records with larger keys to the high end. Because we do not know in advance how many keys are less than the pivot, we use a clever algorithm that moves indices inwards from the ends of the subarray, swapping values as necessary until the two indices meet.

Since Quicksort is a recursive algorithm, we will not only partition the whole array, but also part of the array. Therefore partition needs the positions of the leftmost and rightmost elements in the subarray that we will partition.

static <E extends Comparable<E>> int partition(E[] A, int left, int right, int pivot) {
    Util.swap(A, left, pivot);   // Put pivot at the leftmost index
    pivot = left;
    left++;                 // Start partitioning from the element after the pivot

    E pivotValue = A[pivot];
    while (true) {
        // Move `left` right as far as possible. Stop if equal to pivot!
        // Also stop if `left` moves past `right` – this is important,
        // so that `left` stops if it moves past the end of the array.
        while (left <= right && A[left].compareTo(pivotValue) < 0) 

        // Move `right` left as far as possible. Stop if equal to pivot!
        // Also stop if `right` moves all the way left to `left`,
        // see above for why.
        while (left <= right && A[right].compareTo(pivotValue) > 0) 

        // Stop here if `left` and `right` passed each other.
        if (left > right)

        // Otherwise, swap the elements and move `left` and `right` on by 1.
        Util.swap(A, left, right);
        left++; right--;

    Util.swap(A, pivot, right);   // Finally, move the pivot into place
    return right;            // Return the position of the pivot
def partition(A, left, right, pivot):
    swap(A, left, pivot)   # Put pivot at the leftmost index
    pivot = left
    left += 1              # Start partitioning from the element after the pivot

    pivotValue = A[pivot]
    while True:
        # Move `left` right as far as possible. Stop if equal to pivot!
        # Also stop if `left` moves past `right` – this is important, 
        # so that `left` stops if it moves past the end of the array.
        while left <= right and A[left] < pivotValue:
            left += 1

        # Move `right` left as far as possible. Stop if equal to pivot!
        # Also stop if `right` moves all the way left to `left`,
        # see above for why.
        while left <= right and A[right] > pivotValue:
            right -= 1

        # Stop here if `left` and `right` passed each other.
        if left > right:

        # Otherwise, swap the elements and move `left` and `right` on by 1.
        swap(A, left, right)
        left += 1; right -= 1

    swap(A, pivot, right)   # Finally, move the pivot into place
    return right            # Return the position of the pivot

The function partition first puts the pivot at the leftmost position in the subarray, and increases left by one (so that the pivot is not included in the partitioning loop).

Then it moves left to the right until it finds a value which is larger than (or equal to) the pivot; and then it moves right to the left until it finds a value which is smaller than (or equal to) the pivot.

It breaks out of the loop if left and right passed each other; otherwise it swaps the left and right elements, moves the indices one step and continues with the loop.

Finally, it puts the pivot at its correct position, by swapping with right.


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And here is a visualization illustrating the running time analysis of the partition function


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2.12.3. Putting It Together

Here is a visualization for the entire Quicksort algorithm. This visualization shows you how the logical decomposition caused by the partitioning process works. In the visualization, the separate sub-partitions are separated out to match the recursion tree. In reality, there is only a single array involved (as you will see in the proficiency exercise that follows the visualization).

Here is a complete proficiency exercise to see how well you understand Quicksort.

2.12.4. Quicksort Analysis

This visualization explains the worst-case running time of Quicksort


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This is terrible, no better than Insertion or Selection Sort. When will this worst case occur? Only when each pivot yields a bad partitioning of the array. If the pivot values are selected at random, then this is extremely unlikely to happen. When selecting the middle position of the current subarray, it is still unlikely to happen. It does not take many good partitionings for Quicksort to work fairly well.

This visualization explains the best-case running time of Quick Sort


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Quicksort’s average-case behavior falls somewhere between the extremes of worst and best case. Average-case analysis considers the cost for all possible arrangements of input, summing the costs and dividing by the number of cases. We make one reasonable simplifying assumption: At each partition step, the pivot is equally likely to end in any position in the (sorted) array. In other words, the pivot is equally likely to break an array into partitions of sizes 0 and \(n-1\), or 1 and \(n-2\), and so on.

Given this assumption, the average-case cost is computed from the following equation:

\[{\bf T}(n) = cn + \frac{1}{n}\sum_{k=0}^{n-1}[{\bf T}(k) + {\bf T}(n - 1 - k)], \quad {\bf T}(0) = {\bf T}(1) = c.\]

This visualization will help you to understand how this recurrence relation was formed.


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This is an unusual situation that the average case cost and the worst case cost have asymptotically different growth rates. Consider what “average case” actually means. We compute an average cost for inputs of size \(n\) by summing up for every possible input of size \(n\) the product of the running time cost of that input times the probability that that input will occur. To simplify things, we assumed that every permutation is equally likely to occur. Thus, finding the average means summing up the cost for every permutation and dividing by the number of permutations (which is \(n!\)). We know that some of these \(n!\) inputs cost \(O(n^2)\). But the sum of all the permutation costs has to be \((n!)(O(n \log n))\). Given the extremely high cost of the worst inputs, there must be very few of them. In fact, there cannot be a constant fraction of the inputs with cost \(O(n^2)\). If even, say, 1% of the inputs have cost \(O(n^2)\), this would lead to an average cost of \(O(n^2)\). Thus, as \(n\) grows, the fraction of inputs with high cost must be going toward a limit of zero. We can conclude that Quicksort will run fast if we can avoid those very few bad input permutations. This is why picking a good pivot is so important.

2.12.5. Pivots in practice

Perhaps the most important choice in implementing Quicksort is how to choose the pivot. Choosing a bad pivot can result in all elements of the array ending up in the same partition, in which case Quicksort ends up taking quadratic time.

Choosing the first or the last element of the array is a bad strategy. If the input array is sorted, then the first element of the array will also be the smallest element. Hence all elements of the array will end up in the “greater than pivot” partition. Worse, the exact same thing will happen in all the recursive calls to Quicksort. Hence the partitioning will be as bad as possible, and Quicksort will end up taking quadratic time. You sometimes see implementations of Quicksort that use the first element as the pivot, but this is a bad idea!

Above, we picked the middle element of the array, to avoid this problem. This works well enough, but in practice, more sophisticated strategies are used.

The theoretically best choice of pivot is one that divides the array equally in two, i.e. the median element of the array. However, the median of an array is difficult to compute (unless you sort the array first!) Instead, many Quicksort implementations use a strategy called median-of-three. In median-of-three, we pick elements from three positions in the array: the first position, the middle position and the last position. Then we take the median of these three elements. For example, given the array 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, we pick out the elements 3 (first position), 1 (middle position) and 2 (last position). The median of 3, 1 and 2 is 2, so we pick 2 as the pivot.

Median-of-three is not guaranteed to pick a good pivot: there are cases where it partitions the input array badly. However, these bad cases do not seem to occur in practice. In practice, median-of-three picks good pivots, and it is also cheap to implement. It is used by most real-world Quicksort implementations.

Another good approach is to pick a random element of the array as the pivot. This makes it somewhat unlikely to get a poor partitioning. What’s more, if we do get a poor partitioning, it is likely that in the recursive call to quickSort, we will choose a different pivot and get a better partitioning. Unlike median-of-three, this approach is theoretically sound: there are no input arrays which make it work badly. Another way to get the same effect is to pick e.g. the first element as the pivot, but to shuffle the array before sorting, rearranging it into a random order. The array only needs to be shuffled once before Quicksort begins, not in every recursive call.

2.12.6. More practical improvements

A significant improvement can be gained by recognizing that Quicksort is relatively slow when \(n\) is small. This might not seem to be relevant if most of the time we sort large arrays, nor should it matter how long Quicksort takes in the rare instance when a small array is sorted because it will be fast anyway. But you should notice that Quicksort itself sorts many, many small arrays! This happens as a natural by-product of the divide and conquer approach.

A simple improvement might then be to replace Quicksort with a faster sort for small subarrays, say Insertion Sort or Selection Sort. However, there is an even better—and still simpler—optimization. When Quicksort partitions are below a certain size, do nothing! The values within that partition will be out of order. However, we do know that all values in the array to the left of the partition are smaller than all values in the partition. All values in the array to the right of the partition are greater than all values in the partition. Thus, even if Quicksort only gets the values to “nearly” the right locations, the array will be close to sorted. This is an ideal situation in which to take advantage of the best-case performance of Insertion Sort. The final step is a single call to Insertion Sort to process the entire array, putting the records into final sorted order. At what size should we switch to Insertion Sort? The answer can only be determined by empirical testing, but on modern machines the answer is probably somewhere between 10 and 100.

The last speedup to be considered reduces the cost of making recursive calls. Quicksort is inherently recursive, because each Quicksort operation must sort two sublists. Thus, there is no simple way to turn Quicksort into an iterative algorithm. However, Quicksort can be implemented using a stack to imitate recursion, as the amount of information that must be stored is small. We need not store copies of a subarray, only the subarray bounds. Furthermore, the stack depth can be kept small if care is taken on the order in which Quicksort’s recursive calls are executed. We can also place the code for findPivot and partition inline to eliminate the remaining function calls. Note however that by not processing smal sublists of size nine or less as suggested above, most of the function calls will already have been eliminated. Thus, eliminating the remaining function calls will yield only a modest speedup.

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