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Programming Basics: Background and Repetition

Chapter 1 Java Programming, repetition

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1.5. Debugging In Eclipse

1.5.1. Debugging In Eclipse

In this tutorial we will show basic debugging steps. To begin debugging a program, select the Debug mode by clicking the icon circled in blue below.

Debug view What Is A Debugger?

A debugger is a piece of software that allows a programmer to run their code as if it were executing normally, while allowing stops and pauses at any point to dump information from the program. It gives unprecendented knowledge to what happens in each step of the program. For more information about debuggers, refer to the Wikipedia entry. Debugging Terms

1. Resume - Resuming will run the code until another breakpoint is hit or until the program finishes (see the figure below for icon).

2. Step Into - Stepping into will drop you into the next function called. For example, stepping into the bst.add() call in the image above will take you to the bst class and inside the add method (see the figure below for icon).

3. Step Over - Stepping Over will execute the current line of code and progress to the next line of code, stopping there (see the figure below for icon).

4. Step Return - Code will be executed until the next return statement (see the figure below for icon).

5. Breakpoint - A breakpoint is a stopping point in your code. When you set a breakpoint, the debugger will stop execution anytime it reaches there. You may add a breakpoint by clicking on the left hand side bar of the Eclipse code window (see the figure above).

Debug Steps

*Note - There are a few more step functions not documented here, you can learn more about them here. Debugging A Memory Pool

For some programs you may need to analyze byte chunks. In other words, for a region of memory, what does it represent and what information does it contain? Doing so can be difficult due to a combination of factors. So how do we meaningfully analyze a chunk of bytes? Consider the following code.

import java.util.Random;
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {     
        Random rdn = new Random();
        String alpha = "Zabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; 
        byte[] letters = new byte[1000];
        int min = 0; int max = 999;
        int amin = 0; int amax = 26;
        String loc = "";
        for(int i=0; i<40; i++) {
            int ind = rdn.nextInt(max - min + 1) + min;
            int wind = rdn.nextInt(amax - amin + 1) + amin;
            char chr = alpha.charAt(wind);
            letters[ind] = (byte) chr;
            loc += ind+" ";

This program spawns a 1000 byte array and then places 1 of 27 characters chosen randomly in a position randomly chosen in one of the 1000 places. Suppose you wanted to look at the contents of the byte array. How would you do this? Eclipse lets us do it with a memory dump in the Variables window.

Debug Steps

By default Eclipse will interpret a byte as an integer.

Debug Steps

However there are a number of other ways to interpret the byte values. You can open the Preferences window by selecting WindowPreferences. Then you will be able to select the raw dump information. In this case I chose ASCII text so I can see the byte values interpreted as ASCII characters.

Debug Steps

Now when we view the memory location we can see the character stored there. We can also change our display preferences to see the hex value or the unsigned value as well.

  • ASCII Text View Enabled:

    ASCII View
  • Hex View Enabled:

    Hex View
  • Unsigned View Enabled:

    Unsiged View
  • All Three Views Enabled:

    All Three Views The Eclipse Console

So you can now view memory, set breakpoints and even step through functions to the points you care about. Eclipse’s Display window is a debug terminal. If the Display window is not visible you can enable it using WindowShow ViewDisplay. Once the Display window is open you can turn on autocomplete by right clicking and selecting Content Assist, or by hitting CTRL-SPACE (similar to the completion assist Eclipse provides for coding).

The Display window allows you to write Java code and then execute it. It is a live window where you can write code, execute methods and demo code without having to recompile. Anytime you pause your program, you may access local variables, change them, and print out information about them. In the below example I have chosen to print the String loc (from the byte array sample code) out to the output. While this particular example may not appear useful (as the program will print loc anyway), imagine you are debugging a program. You know a bug occurs, now instead of stopping and recompiling your program with bug changes, you can rapidly prototype your replacement code and test it on the spot to ensure success.

Result Of Running Display Conditional Breakpoints

Sometimes your bug might appear after a lot of processing. You cannot just set a breakpoint to a line of code, because that line is executed 10,000 times before the bug occurs. What you really want is to stop at a line only when some other condition (i.e., a variable being a certain value, or after X amount of times) is true. However, extending your code with additional instructions to catch those conditions may lead to issues later if you forget to remove them.

Fortunately many debuggers have the functionality to only stop at breakpoints when needed.

Step 1: Create a breakpoint. For this example I will be using the source code from the memory pool that is randomly filled with characters. I want to hit my breakpoint if and only if the value of the randomly generated index (ind) is 10.

Breakpoint set

Step 2: Right click on the breakpoint and select Breakpoint Properties.

Step 3: You will then be presented with a screen similar to the one in the picture below. There are two options to halt at a breakpoint: by hitcount and when a condition is satisfied. For this example I have chosen to stop my program only when the randomly generated index is equal to 10. Choose the option you would like, if you choose conditional, create an arbitrary boolean expression to satisfy it.

Breakpoint condition

Conclusion: By making use of conditional breakpoints you can speed up debugging and eliminate the chance of accidentally progressing too far. For more information on using breakpoints, check out Eclipse's official documentation.

   «  1.4. Common Debugging Methods   ::   Contents   ::   1.6. Reading Input (from Files or Otherwise)  »

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