8.10 Hash Tables in Real Life

Congratulations! You have reached the end of the hashing tutorial. In summary, a properly tuned hashing system will return records with an average cost of less than two record accesses. This makes it the most effective way known to store a database of records to support exact-match queries. Unfortunately, hashing is not effective when implementing range queries, or answering questions like “Which record in the collection has the smallest key value?”

In this section we will give some examples of problems with hashing, and how Java and Python implement hashing and hash tables internally.

8.10.1 Algorithmic complexity attacks

As we wrote in the chapter introduction:

“When properly implemented, these operations can be performed in constant time. (...) However, even though hashing is based on a very simple idea, it is surprisingly difficult to implement properly.”

This difficulty can be (and has been) exploited for malicious attacks on systems, so called algorithmic complexity attacks. We’ll leave the word to Adam Jacobson and David Renardy to give an introduction to the problems (please read the whole text, it’s an easy read):

“An Algorithmic Complexity (AC) attack is a resource exhaustion attack that takes advantage of worst-case performance in server-side algorithms.” (https://twosixtech.com/algorithmic-complexity-vulnerabilities-an-introduction)

As you can see, hash tables even have a category of itself (“Hashtable DoS Attacks”). They only mention separate chaining (“These hash tables utilized a linked list”), but the same problem arises for open addressing. (In fact, Python hash tables are open addressing – see below).

The problem is that it is extremely difficult to write good hash functions.

8.10.2 Breaking hash functions

Java’s default algorithm for calculating a hash code from a string ss looks like this (see the code for hashCode() in StringUTF16.java):

s031n1+s131n2+...+sn2311+sn1310 s_0\cdot 31^{n-1} + s_1\cdot 31^{n-2} + ... + s_{n-2}\cdot 31^1 + s_{n-1}\cdot 31^0

This works well in practice, if you assume that your data is normal! But an attacker does not use normal data – instead they deliberately create data that will break the system. For example, suppose the attacker knows that you store user data in a Java HashMap with the username as key. Then they can create lots of artifical usernames to put in the database to make searching in the database slow. That’s a hashtable DoS attack!

It’s really easy to break Java’s string hash function if you want to. It relies on the fact that the following two strings have the same hashcode:

"Aa".hashCode() == "BB".hashCode() == 2112

Therefore, all same-length repetitions of “Aa” and “BB” have the same hash code:

"AaAaAaAaAa", "AaAaAaAaBB", "AaAaAaBBAa", "AaAaAaBBBB", ...,

There are 2k2^k possible strings with kk repetitions of “Aa” resp. “BB”, and all these strings have the same hash code! An attacker could insert all these strings into a Java HashMap and then all of them would be in the same bucket and we would resort to linear search through a linked list of 2k2^k strings.

Here’s a short article explaining this: https://dzone.com/articles/what-is-wrong-with-hashcode-in-javalangstring

Note that this would not be improved by using an open addressing hash table, because then we would get a primary cluster with 2k2^k strings.

8.10.3 How Java’s hash tables are implemented

Before version 1.2, Java had exactly the problem above, but in version 1.2 they changed the implementation. The current version of Java HashMap (and HashSet and Hashtable and similar) has the following characteristics:

  • It’s a separate chaining hash table.
  • Small buckets (<8 elements) are linked lists, but larger buckets are red-black trees instead. This ensures O(nlogn)O(n \log n) worst time complexity, but it’s linear if the data is well-behaved.
  • The size of the hash table is a power of two (n=2kn=2^k) – meaning that the resizing factor is 2.
  • The maximum load factor for resizing is 0.75.

If you’re interested you can read the comment on lines 125–232 in HashMap.java, where some implementation details are explained.

8.10.4 Hash functions and hash tables in Python

Python uses much more modern implementations than Java, of both hash functions and hash tables. Python hash functions uses a combination of the following techniques:

  • Strings are hashed using SipHash (see PEP-456).
  • Tuples are hashed using “a slightly simplified version of the xxHash non-cryptographic hash” (see lines 384–397 in tupleobject.c).
  • In addition, Python adds randomisation: Whenever you start a new Python interpreter, it creates a random constant which is combined with the hashes. This means that every new instance will generate new hashes for the same strings, tuples, and other built-in objeccts.

Python dictionaries are implemented as hash tables. Since version 3.6 they are based on the following ideas (lecture video from PyCon 2017):

Here’s a summary of the internal implementation:

  • All hash tables have a power-of-two size (n=2kn=2^k) – meaning that the resizing factor is 2.
  • This means that the table index is the first (least significant) kk bits of the hash value.
  • It’s an open adressing hash table.
  • But it doesn’t use linear probing, instead they probe with +p+p in every step, where pp depends on the higher bits in the hash value.
  • It keeps the full hash value in the table (which improves the speed when resizing)
  • To get better memory efficiency, it is split into (1) a size 2k2^k integer array with indices, and (2) a compact array with tuples of the form (hash,key,value). The indices in array(1) point to locations in array(2).
  • This also has the effect that it can iterate over the insertion order of the elements.
  • Deletion is done using tombstones.
  • The maximum load factor for resizing is 0.66.
  • See the source code here: https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/main/Objects/dictobject.c