["n!", "2^n", "2n^2", "5 n \\log n", "20n", "10n"] Khan.randRange(0,5)

You are given this set of growth functions: n!, 2^n, 2n^2, 5 n \log n, 20n, 10n

For the growth function katex.renderToString(FUNCS[FINDEX]), type a value (a positive integer) for which this function is the most efficient of the six. If there is no integer value for which it is most efficent, type "none".

[ $('#answerTextarea').val() ]
return compareGrowth.checkAnswer(guess[0], FINDEX);

You are going to need to try things out on scratch paper to figure this out.

Try plugging a few small numbers into each of the six functions and see what you get. Then see what happens when you make a number one bigger or smaller.