4.2 Static Array-Based Lists

First we give a static implementation for array-based lists, named StaticArrayList. This inherits from the List ADT, and must therefore implement all of the member functions of List.

Unlike normal arrays, lists can change in size: we can add elements to and remove from them. How can this be implemented? Well, what we don’t want to do is to create a completely new array every time elements are added or removed. So instead we will use an underlying array which is larger than we need.

Important note about Python lists

Python doesn’t have arrays – i.e., fixed size constant-time access arrays like C, Java and most other languages have.

Instead, Python has lists, and they are actually precisely the kind of dynamic array-based lists that we are describe in this section and the next. So a Python list is implemented using fixed-size arrays, but when you program in Python you cannot access these arrays because they are hidden from the programmer.

4.2.1 Internal variables

Because of that will need two internal variables: the underlying array, and a size counter telling how much of the array is actually used. When we create a new array-list we have to decide the capacity, the largest possible size. Then the underlying array is initialised, and the size counter is set to 0 because there are no elements yet.

class StaticArrayList implements List:
        this.internalArray = new Array(capacity)  // Internal array containing the list elements
        this.listSize = 0                         // Size of list

Note: in Python you cannot create an array with a certain capacity. You can simulate it by creating a list with a number of empty elements: [None] * capacity, but this is not a real fixed-size array as explained just above.

4.2.2 Getting and setting values

Random access to any element in the list is quick and easy.

As you can see below, there are no loops in the methods get and set, which means that both require Θ(1)\Theta(1) time.

class StaticArrayList implements List:
        precondition: 0 <= i < this.listSize
        return this.internalArray[i]

    set(i, x):
        precondition: 0 <= i < this.listSize
        this.internalArray[i] = x

4.2.3 Adding elements

Because the array-based list implementation is defined to store list elements in contiguous cells of the array, the add and remove methods must maintain this property.

Appending elements at the tail of an array-based list is super-fast.

However, adding an element at the head of the list requires shifting all existing elements in the array by one position toward the tail.

Therefore, if we want to add an element at position ii, then ni1n - i - 1 elements must shift toward the tail to leave room for the new element. In the worst case, adding elements requires moving all nn elements, which is Θ(n)\Theta(n).

class StaticArrayList implements List:
    add(i, x):
        precondition: 0 <= i <= this.listSize < this.internalArray.size()
        this.listSize = this.listSize + 1
        for k = this.listSize-1 downto i+1:
            this.internalArray[k] = this.internalArray[k-1]
        this.internalArray[i] = x Add Practice Exericse

4.2.4 Removing elements

Removing an element from the head of the list is similar to adding in the sense that all remaining elements must shift. But now we have to shift toward the head to fill in the gap, instead of toward the tail. If we want to remove the element at position ii, then ni1n - i - 1 elements must shift toward the head, as shown in the following slideshow.

In the worst case, insertion or removal each requires moving all nn elements, which is Θ(n)\Theta(n).

class StaticArrayList implements List:
        precondition: 0 <= i < this.listSize
        x = this.internalArray[i]
        for k = i+1 to this.listSize-1:
            this.internalArray[k-1] = this.internalArray[k]
        this.listSize = this.listSize - 1
        this.internalArray[this.listSize] = null  // For garbage collection
        return x Remove Practice Exericise

4.2.5 Review questions: Static array-based lists

In an array-based list, the successive elements in the list:

  • The list elements are stored in an array.
  • Where in the array should they go?
  • The list element in list position ii will be stored in array position ii.

Given an array-based list implementation, inserting a new element just before the last value takes how long in the worst case?

  • We only need to shift one single value: the last element.

Given an array-based list implementation, inserting a new element to arbitrary position ii takes how long in the worst case?

  • Position ii could be anywhere in the list.
  • We will need to shift values from position ii to the list end forward by one position.
  • How many we shift depends on the value of ii.
  • In the worst case, it will be all the elements in the list.

Given an array-based list implementation, deleting the second-to-last element takes how long in the worst case?

  • We only need to shift one single value: the last element.

Given an array-based list implementation, deleting the element at an arbitrary position ii takes how long in the worst case?

  • Position ii could be anywhere in the list (of nn values).
  • We will need to shift values from position ii to the list end back by one position.
  • How many we shift depends on the value of ii.
  • In the worst case, it will be all the elements in the list.