4.1 The List ADT

4.1.1 What is a List?

We all have an intuitive understanding of what we mean by a “list”. We want to turn this intuitive understanding into a concrete data structure with implementations for its operations. The most important concept related to lists is that of position. In other words, we perceive that there is a first element in the list, a second element, and so on. So, define a list to be a finite, ordered sequence of data items known as elements. This is close to the mathematical concept of a sequence.

“Ordered” in this definition means that each element has a position in the list. So the term “ordered” in this context does not mean that the list elements are sorted by value. (Of course, we can always choose to sort the elements on the list if we want; it’s just that keeping the elements sorted is not an inherent property of being a list.)

Each list element must have some data type. In the simple list implementations discussed in this chapter, all elements of the list are usually assumed to have the same data type, although there is no conceptual objection to lists whose elements have differing data types if the application requires it. The operations defined as part of the list ADT depend on the elemental data type. For example, the list ADT can be used for lists of integers, lists of characters, lists of payroll records, even lists of lists.

A list is said to be empty when it contains no elements. The number of elements currently stored is called the length of the list. The beginning of the list is called the head, the end of the list is called the tail.

We need some notation to show the contents of a list, so we will use the same angle bracket notation that is normally used to represent sequences. To be consistent with standard array indexing, the first position on the list is denoted as 0. Thus, if there are nn elements in the list, they are given positions 0 through n1n-1 as a0,a1,...,an1\langle\ a_0,\ a_1,\ ...,\ a_{n-1}\ \rangle. The subscript indicates an element’s position within the list. Using this notation, the empty list would appear as \langle\ \rangle.

4.1.2 Collections

There are some properties that lists share with many other data structures (some of them will be introduced later in this course). Then it’s good habit to extract the most important common properties into a more general kind of ADT, which we will call collections.

A collection contains a number of elements, and it supports only two things: we can inquire how many elements it contains, and we can iterate through all elements, one at the time (i.e., it is Iterable).

interface Collection extends Iterable:
    isEmpty()   // Returns true if the collection is empty.
    size()      // Returns the number of elements in this collection.

Note that this very interface will not be implemented as it is, but instead we will use this as a base interface that we extend in different ways, e.g., for lists or sets or priority queues.

4.1.3 Defining the List ADT

Now, back to the lists that we started talking about.

What basic operations do we want our lists to support? Our common intuition about lists tells us that a list should be able to grow and shrink in size as we insert and remove elements. We should be able to insert and remove elements from anywhere in the list. We should be able to gain access to any element’s value, either to read it or to change it. Finally, we should be able to know the size of the list, and to iterate through the elements in the list – i.e., the list should be a Collection.

Now we can define the ADT for a list object in terms of a set of operations on that object. We will use an interface to formally define the list ADT. List defines the member functions that any list implementation inheriting from it must support, along with their parameters and return types.

True to the notion of an ADT, an interface does not specify how operations are implemented. Two complete implementations are presented later (array-based lists and linked lists), both of which use the same list ADT to define their operations. But they are considerably different in approaches and in their space/time tradeoffs.

The code below presents our list ADT. The comments given with each member function describe what it is intended to do. However, an explanation of the basic design should help make this clearer. There are four main operations we want to support:

  • get(i) to read the value of an element at the given position i
  • set(i,x) to set the value at position i to value x
  • add(i,x) to add (insert) an element x, at position i, thus increasing the size of the list
  • remove(i) to remove the element at position i, thus decreasing the size of the list

Apart from these four, we also want to be able to loop through the list elements in order (i.e., an iterator over the elements).

interface List extends Collection:
    add(i, x)  // Adds x at position i; where 0 <= i <= size.
    get(i)     // Returns the element at position i; where 0 <= i < size.
    set(i, x)  // Replaces the value at position i with x; where 0 <= i < size.
    remove(i)  // Removes the element at position i; where 0 <= i < size.

The List member functions allow you to build a list with elements in any desired order, and to access any desired position in the list.

A list L can be iterated through as follows:

iter = L.iterator()
elem = iter.next()
while elem:
    elem = iter.next()

In this example, each element of the list in turn is stored in iter, and passed to the doSomething function. The loop terminates when the current position reaches the end of the list.

(Note that the loop looks slightly different in Java and Python, because of how they implement iterators.)

Many languages, including Java and Python, has syntactic sugar for iterators, so the same iteration can be written something like this:

for each elem in L:

The list class declaration presented here is just one of many possible interpretations for lists. Our list interface provides most of the operations that one naturally expects to perform on lists and serves to illustrate the issues relevant to implementing the list data structure. As an example of using the list ADT, here is a function to return true if there is an occurrence of a given element in the list, and false otherwise. The find method needs no knowledge about the specific list implementation, just the list ADT.

// Return true if k is in list L, false otherwise.
function find(L, k):
    for each n in L:
        if k == n:
            return true  // Found k.
    return false         // k not found.

There are two standard approaches to implementing lists, the array-based list, and the linked list.