4.4 Linked Lists

In this module we present one of the two traditional implementations for lists, usually called a linked list. The linked list uses dynamic memory allocation, that is, it allocates memory for new list elements as needed. The following diagram illustrates the linked list concept. There are three nodes that are “linked” together. Each node has two boxes. The box on the right holds a link to the next node in the list. Notice that the rightmost node has a diagonal slash through its link box, signifying that there is no link coming out of this box.

Because a list node is a distinct object (as opposed to simply a cell in an array), it is good practice to make a separate list node class. This can either be a standalone class or an inner class, and both have their advantages and disadvantages.

The list built from such nodes is called a singly linked list, or a one-way list, because each list node has a single pointer to the next node on the list.

Our class for linked lists contains two instance variables, one pointer to the head of the list, and a variable storing the number of elements. (This second variable is in theory unnecessary, but it improves the efficiency of getting the list size).

class LinkedList implements List:
        this.head = null    // Pointer to list header
        this.listSize = 0   // Size of list

Here is our implementation for list nodes, the class Node. Objects in the Node class contain a field elem to store the element value, and a field next to store a pointer to the next node on the list.

class Node:
    Node(elem, next):
        this.elem = elem   // Value for this node
        this.next = next   // Pointer to next node in list

4.4.1 Getting and setting values

If we want to get or set the value at a certain index, we simply iterate through the nodes in sequence until we get to the node we want.

class LinkedList implements List:
        precondition: 0 <= i < this.listSize
        current = this.head
        repeat i times:
            current = current.next
        return current.elem

    set(i, x):
        precondition: 0 <= i < this.listSize
        current = this.head
        repeat i times:
            current = current.next
        current.elem = x

4.4.2 Adding and removing nodes

However, if we want to add or remove nodes, there is a problem with using a pointer to the current node.

So, using a current pointer, it is possible to add and remove nodes, using some complicated coding. But this does not work for the very last node! There are several possible ways to deal with this problem. One is to always have an empty node (a “dummy node”) at the very end of the list, but this will increase memory usage.

Another simple solution is to have a pointer to the node before the current node. This is the solution we will adopt.

4.4.3 Adding a Node

Here are some special cases for linked list insertion: Inserting at the beginning of a list, and appending at the end.

Here’s the code for addition.

class LinkedList implements List:
    add(i, x):
        precondition: 0 <= i <= this.listSize
        if i == 0:
            this.head = new Node(x, this.head)
            prev = this.head
            repeat i-1 times:
                prev = prev.next
            prev.next = new Node(x, prev.next)
        this.listSize = this.listSize + 1

Here’s an exercise for adding a value to a linked list.

4.4.4 Removing a Node

Here’s the code for deletion:

class LinkedList implements List:
    remove(self, i):
        precondition: 0 <= i < this.listSize
        if i == 0:
            removed = this.head
            this.head = removed.next
            prev = this.head
            repeat i-1 times:
                prev = prev.next
            removed = prev.next
            prev.next = removed.next
        removed.next = null   // For garbage collection
        this.listSize = this.listSize - 1
        return removed.elem

And here’s an exercise.

4.4.5 Complexity analysis

Locating a certain position ii in the list requires ii steps. The worst case is if we want to go to the last node, so the time complexity for above all operations is Θ(n)\Theta(n).

This is much worse than the array-based list, where these operations are Θ(1)\Theta(1). So are linked lists totally useless? No! But they don’t work well with our current List interface.

To make linked lists useful, we need an enhanced iterator interface, where we can move forwards and backwards in the list, and add/remove nodes through this enhanced iterator. In the standard Java API, this kind of iterator is called a ListIterator, which is part of Java’s standard LinkedList.

4.4.6 Practice questions: Linked lists

Answer TRUE or FALSE.

The physical order in memory for the nodes of a linked list is the same as the order in which the nodes appear in the list.

  • When you create a new object, you have no control over where it is in memory.

Answer TRUE or FALSE.

In a singly linked list implementation, to access the predecessor of the current node we must start at the first node in the list.

  • In a singly linked list we are unable to move directly backwards in the list.
  • So, the only alternative is to start at the front and move down to the previous node.

In a linked list, the successive elements in the list:

  • Unlike an array-based list, the linked list is created by linking together separate objects.
  • Those objects can be created at any time, and you don’t control where they are in memory when they are made.

To find an element with value XX in a linked list with nn nodes requires how many nodes to be visited in the worst case?

  • How many nodes might we have to visit to find the one that we are looking for?

Given a linked list implementation, inserting a new element to arbitrary position ii takes how long in the average case?

  • We can’t insert until we reach the proper position.
  • How long does it take to reach position ii in a linked list?
  • Once we get there, it takes only a couple of assignments to put the new node in place.

Given a linked list implementation, deleting the element at arbitrary position ii takes how long in the average case?

  • You cannot delete a node until you get to it.
  • Starting from the front, how long does it take to get to the iith node?
  • Once you do reach the node, then you can remove it in constant time.

To access the node at position ii in a singly-linked list

  • How can we reach the iith position?
  • We have to work from the front.