4.7 Doubly Linked Lists

The singly linked list allows for direct access from a list node only to the next node in the list. A doubly linked list allows convenient access from a list node to the next node and also to the preceding node on the list. The doubly linked list node accomplishes this in the obvious way by storing two pointers: one to the node following it (as in the singly linked list), and a second pointer to the node preceding it.

The most common reason to use a doubly linked list is because it gives an additional possibility to move both forwards and backwards in the list, and to efficiently add and remove elements from both ends. Whether a list implementation is doubly or singly linked should be hidden from the List class user.

Like our singly linked list implementation, the doubly linked list implementation makes use of a header pointer, but we also add a tail pointer to the end of the list.

Here is an implementation for the class variables and the internal list node class. The only real difference between single linked lists is that we have pointers to the previous node, and a pointer to the tail of the list.

class DoubleNode:
    DoubleNode(elem, prev, next):
        this.elem = elem  // Value for this node
        this.prev = prev  // Pointer to previous node in list
        this.next = next  // Pointer to next node in list

class DoubleLinkedList implements List:
        this.head = null   // Pointer to list header
        this.tail = null   // Pointer to list tail
        this.listSize = 0  // Size of list

The main advantage with doubly linked lists are that we can implement more advanced iterators (ListIterator in the Java standard API) that can move forward and backward through a list. In fact, Java’s standard LinkedList is implemented as a doubly linked list.

4.7.1 Implementation of the list methods

Getting and setting are exactly the same as for normal linked lists, so we don’t show them here. Adding/inserting elements

Adding elements becomes a bit trickier, because we have to make sure that all pointers are updated correctly. We get some special cases – when the list is empty, or when we add before the head or after the tail.

class DoubleLinkedList implements List:
    add(i, x):
        precondition: 0 <= i <= this.listSize
        if this.listSize == 0:
            this.head = this.tail = new DoubleNode(x, null, null)
        else if i == 0:
            newhead = new DoubleNode(x, null, this.head)
            this.head.prev = newhead
            this.head = newhead
        else if i == this.listSize:
            newtail = new DoubleNode(x, this.tail, null)
            this.tail.next = newtail
            this.tail = newtail
            prev = this.head
            repeat i-1 times:
                prev = prev.next
            next = prev.next
            newnode = new DoubleNode(x, prev, next)
            prev.next = newnode
            next.prev = newnode
        this.listSize = this.listSize + 1 Removing elements

The same goes for removing elements – we get special cases when we remove the head or the tail.

class DoubleLinkedList implements List:
        precondition: 0 <= i < this.listSize
        if i == 0:
            removed = this.head
            this.head = removed.next
            this.head.prev = null
        else if i == this.listSize-1:
            removed = this.tail
            this.tail = removed.prev
            this.tail.next = null
            prev = this.head
            repeat i-1 times:
                prev = prev.next
            removed = prev.next
            prev.next = removed.next
            prev.next.prev = prev
        removed.prev = removed.next = null  // For garbage collection
        this.listSize = this.listSize - 1
        return removed.elem