6.4 The AVL Tree

The AVL tree is a BST with the following additional property: For every node, the heights of its left and right subtrees differ by at most 1. As long as the tree maintains this property, if the tree contains nn nodes, then it has a depth of at most O(logn)O(\log n). As a result, search for any node will cost O(logn)O(\log n), and if the updates can be done in time proportional to the depth of the node inserted or deleted, then updates will also cost O(logn)O(\log n), even in the worst case.

The key to making the AVL tree work is to alter the insert and delete routines so as to maintain the balance property. Of course, to be practical, we must be able to implement the revised update routines in Θ(logn)\Theta(\log n) time. To maintain the balance property, we are going to use what are called rotations.

6.4.1 Rotations

Rotation is an operation that takes a node in the tree and moves it one level higher. Figure #SingleRotation illustrates rotation. Here, PP and SS are nodes, while AA, BB and CC represent subtrees.

In Figure (a), node SS is the left child of the root. A right rotation transforms it into the tree shown in Figure (b), where node SS has become the root. Note that, because the value of SS is less than the value of PP, PP must become SS’s right child. Right rotation means transforming a tree from having the shape in (a) to having the shape in (b).

A left rotation is the opposite process: starting from the tree in (b), transforming it to the tree in (a), by lifting node PP up. Notice that a right rotation tends to make the tree more right-leaning, while a left rotation tends to make it more left-leaning.

Figure: Tree rotation


In a rotation, node SS is promoted to the root, rotating with node PP. Because the value of SS is less than the value of PP, PP must become SS ’s right child. The positions of subtrees AA, BB, and CC are altered as appropriate to maintain the BST property, but the contents of these subtrees remains unchanged. (a) The original tree with PP as the parent. (b) The tree after a rotation takes place.

Going from (a) to (b) is called a right rotation. We can also go from (b) to (a) promoting node PP to the root – this is called a left rotation. In general, a right rotation makes the tree more right-leaning, and a left rotation makes it more left-leaning.

6.4.2 AVL tree insertion

Figure: AVL insertion

An insertion that violates the AVL tree balance property

Example of an insert operation that violates the AVL tree balance property. Prior to the insert operation, all nodes of the tree are balanced (i.e., the depths of the left and right subtrees for every node differ by at most one). After inserting the node with value 5, the nodes with values 7 and 24 are no longer balanced.

Consider what happens when we insert a node with key value 5, as shown in Figure #AVLinsert. The tree on the left meets the AVL tree balance requirements. After the insertion, two nodes no longer meet the requirements. Because the original tree met the balance requirement, nodes in the new tree can only be unbalanced by a difference of at most 2 in the subtrees. For the bottommost unbalanced node, call it SS, there are 4 cases:

  1. The extra node is in the left child of the left child of SS.
  2. The extra node is in the right child of the left child of SS.
  3. The extra node is in the left child of the right child of SS.
  4. The extra node is in the right child of the right child of SS.

Cases 1 and 4 are symmetric, as are cases 2 and 3. Note also that the unbalanced nodes must be on the path from the root to the newly inserted node.

Our problem now is how to balance the tree in O(logn)O(\log n) time. It turns out that we can do this using a series of rotations. Cases 1 and 4 can be fixed using a single rotation, as shown in Figure #AVLsingle. Cases 2 and 3 can be fixed using a double rotation, as shown in Figure #AVLdouble.

Figure: Single rotation

AVL tree single rotation

A single rotation in an AVL tree. This operation occurs when the excess node (in subtree AA) is in the left child of the left child of the unbalanced node labeled SS. By rearranging the nodes as shown, we preserve the BST property, as well as re-balance the tree to preserve the AVL tree balance property. The case where the excess node is in the right child of the right child of the unbalanced node is handled in the same way.

Figure: Double rotation

AVL tree double rotation

A double rotation in an AVL tree. This operation occurs when the excess node (in subtree BB) is in the right child of the left child of the unbalanced node labeled SS. By rearranging the nodes as shown, we preserve the BST property, as well as re-balance the tree to preserve the AVL tree balance property. The case where the excess node is in the left child of the right child of SS is handled in the same way.

The AVL tree insert algorithm begins with a normal BST insert. Then as the recursion unwinds up the tree, we perform the appropriate rotation on any node that is found to be unbalanced. Deletion is similar; however, consideration for unbalanced nodes must begin at the level of the deleteMin operation.

Example: AVL insertion

In Figure #AVLinsert (b), the bottom-most unbalanced node has value 7. The excess node (with value 5) is in the right subtree of the left child of 7, so we have an example of Case 2. This requires a double rotation to fix. After the rotation, 5 becomes the left child of 24, 2 becomes the left child of 5, and 7 becomes the right child of 5.

To try out AVL insertion yourself and see how it works, see AVL Tree Visualization. You can also find a few more examples under AVL Trees.

Here is an implementation of AVL trees:

class AVLNode:
    AVLNode(key, value):
        this.key = key      // the key that are used for looking up values
        this.value = value  // the value associated with the key
        this.left = null    // the left subtree, initially null
        this.right = null   // the right subtree, initially null
        this.height = 1     // the height of this subtree

class AVLMap implements Map:
        this.root = null
        this.treeSize = 0

        // Look up the value associated with a key.
        return this.getHelper(this.root, key)

    getHelper(node, key):
        // This is exactly the same as getHelper for BSTMap.
        if node is null:
            return null
        else if key < node.key:
            return this.getHelper(node.left, key)
        else if key > node.key:
            return this.getHelper(node.right, key)
            return node.value

    put(key, value):
        // Add a key-value pair, or update the value associated with an existing key. 
        // This is the same as BSTMap.put, except that it rebalances the node afterwards.
        this.root = this.putHelper(this.root, key, value)

    putHelper(node, key, value):
        // Recursive helper method for 'put', returns the updated node.
        if node is null:
            this.treeSize = this.treeSize + 1
            return new AVLNode(key, value)
        else if key < node.key:
            node.left = this.putHelper(node.left, key, value)
        else if key > node.key:
            node.right = this.putHelper(node.right, key, value)
        else: // key == node.key
            node.value = value
        return this.rebalance(node)

        // Delete a key and its associated value.
        // This is the same as BSTMap.remove, except that it rebalances the node afterwards.
        this.root = this.removeHelper(this.root, key)

    removeHelper(node, key):
        // Helper method for 'remove', returns the updated node.
        if node is null:
            return null
        else if key < node.key:
            node.left = this.removeHelper(node.left, key)
            return this.rebalance(node)
        else if key > node.key:
            node.right = this.removeHelper(node.right, key)
            return this.rebalance(node)
        else: // key == node.key
            if node.left is null:
                this.treeSize = this.treeSize - 1
                return node.right
            else if node.right is null:
                this.treeSize = this.treeSize - 1
                return node.left
                predecessor = this.largestNode(node.left)
                old_value = node.value
                node.key = predecessor.key
                node.value = predecessor.value
                node.left = this.removeHelper(node.left, predecessor.key)
                return this.rebalance(node)

        // Return the height of a tree node, also works if the node is null.
        if node is null:
            return 0
            return node.height

        // Recompute the value of the height of a tree node.
        // Must be called every time the height could change.
        node.height = 1 + max(this.getHeight(node.left), this.getHeight(node.right))

        // Return the height difference of a node: left height - right height.
        return this.getHeight(node.left) - this.getHeight(node.right)

        // Find the descendant node having the largest key.
        while node.right is not null:
            node = node.right
        return node

        if node is null: 
            return null
        diff = this.heightDiff(node)
        if diff > 1:  // Left-leaning
            leftDiff = this.heightDiff(node.left)
            if leftDiff == -1:  // Left-right: convert to left-left
                node.left = this.rotateLeft(node.left)
            return this.rotateRight(node)
        else if diff < -1:  // Right-leaning
            rightDiff = this.heightDiff(node.right)
            if rightDiff == 1:  // Right-left: convert to right-right
                node.right = this.rotateRight(node.right)
            return this.rotateLeft(node)
            return node

        // Left rotation.
        ("""      x                 y    
                 / \               / \   
                A   y     ===>    x   C  
                   / \           / \     
                  B   C         A   B         """)
        // Variables are named according to the picture above.
        y = x.right
        B = y.left
        x.right = B
        y.left = x
        return y

        // Right rotation.
        ("""       x              y
                  / \            / \
                 y   C   ===>   A   x
                / \                / \
               A   B              B   C       """)
        // Variables are named according to the picture above.
        y = x.left
        B = y.right
        x.left = B
        y.right = x
        return y