7.4 Huffman Coding Trees

One can often gain an improvement in space requirements in exchange for a penalty in running time. There are many situations where this is a desirable tradeoff. A typical example is storing files on disk. If the files are not actively used, the owner might wish to compress them to save space. Later, they can be uncompressed for use, which costs some time, but only once.

We often represent a set of items in a computer program by assigning a unique code to each item. For example, the standard ASCII coding scheme assigns a unique eight-bit value to each character. It takes a certain minimum number of bits to provide enough unique codes so that we have a different one for each character. For example, it takes log128\left\lceil log\ 128\right\rceil or seven bits to provide the 128 unique codes needed to represent the 128 symbols of the ASCII character set.

The requirement for logn\left \lceil log\ n \right\rceil bits to represent nn unique code values assumes that all codes will be the same length, as are ASCII codes. These are called fixed-length codes. If all characters were used equally often, then a fixed-length coding scheme is the most space efficient method. However, you are probably aware that not all characters are used equally often in many applications. For example, the various letters in an English language document have greatly different frequencies of use.

Table #Freq shows the relative frequencies of the letters of the alphabet. From this table we can see that the letter ‘E’ appears about 60 times more often than the letter ‘Z’. In normal ASCII, the words “DEED” and “MUCK” require the same amount of space (four bytes). It would seem that words such as “DEED”, which are composed of relatively common letters, should be storable in less space than words such as “MUCK”, which are composed of relatively uncommon letters.

Table: Relative frequencies of the alphabet

Relative frequencies for the 26 letters of the alphabet as they appear in a selected set of English documents. “Frequency” represents the expected frequency of occurrence per 1000 letters, ignoring case.

Letter Frequency Letter Frequency
A 77 N 67
B 17 O 67
C 32 P 20
D 42 Q 5
E 120 R 59
F 24 S 67
G 17 T 85
H 50 U 37
I 76 V 12
J 4 W 22
K 7 X 4
L 42 Y 22
M 24 Z 2

If some characters are used more frequently than others, is it possible to take advantage of this fact and somehow assign them shorter codes? The price could be that other characters require longer codes, but this might be worthwhile if such characters appear rarely enough. This concept is at the heart of file compression techniques in common use today. The next section presents one such approach to assigning variable-length codes, called Huffman coding. While it is not commonly used in its simplest form for file compression (there are better methods), Huffman coding gives the flavor of such coding schemes. One motivation for studying Huffman coding is because it provides our first opportunity to see a type of tree structure referred to as a search trie.

To keep things simple, the following examples for building Huffman trees uses a sorted list to keep the partial Huffman trees ordered by frequency. But a real implementation would use a priority queue keyed by the frequencies.

7.4.1 Building Huffman Coding Trees

Huffman coding assigns codes to characters such that the length of the code depends on the relative frequency or weight of the corresponding character. Thus, it is a variable-length code. If the estimated frequencies for letters match the actual frequency found in an encoded message, then the length of that message will typically be less than if a fixed-length code had been used. The Huffman code for each letter is derived from a full binary tree called the Huffman coding tree, or simply the Huffman tree. Each leaf of the Huffman tree corresponds to a letter, and we define the weight of the leaf node to be the weight (frequency) of its associated letter. The goal is to build a tree with the minimum external path weight. Define the weighted path length of a leaf to be its weight times its depth. The binary tree with minimum external path weight is the one with the minimum sum of weighted path lengths for the given set of leaves. A letter with high weight should have low depth, so that it will count the least against the total path length. As a result, another letter might be pushed deeper in the tree if it has less weight.

The process of building the Huffman tree for nn letters is quite simple. First, create a collection of nn initial Huffman trees, each of which is a single leaf node containing one of the letters. Put the nn partial trees onto a priority queue organized by weight (frequency). Next, remove the first two trees (the ones with lowest weight) from the priority queue. Join these two trees together to create a new tree whose root has the two trees as children, and whose weight is the sum of the weights of the two trees. Put this new tree back into the priority queue. This process is repeated until all of the partial Huffman trees have been combined into one.

Table: Relative frequencies

The relative frequencies for eight selected letters.

Letter C D E K L M U Z
Frequency 32 42 120 7 42 24 37 2

The following slideshow illustrates the Huffman tree construction process for the eight letters of Table #FreqExamp.

Here is the implementation for the Huffman Tree class.

class HuffTree implements Comparable:
    HuffTree(elem, left, right, weight):
        this.elem = elem
        this.left = left
        this.right = right
        this.weight = weight

    // Huffman trees are compared using their 'weight':
        return this.weight.compareTo(other.weight)

    // ...or for all comparison operators:
    (this < other) = (this.weight < other.weight)
    (this == other) = (this.weight == other.weight)

Here is the implementation for the tree-building process.

function buildHuffTree(frequencies):
    // Initialise a min heap with singleton Huffman trees
    huffHeap = new MinHeap()
    for each char in frequencies:
        freq = frequencies.get(char)
        huffHeap.add(new HuffTree(elem=char, weight=freq))

    // While there are at least two trees left on heap
    while huffHeap.size() > 1:
        // Remove the two minimum ones
        t1 = huffHeap.removeMin()
        t2 = huffHeap.removeMin()
        weight = t1.weight + t2.weight
        // Combine the trees and add the new tree to the heap
        t3 = new HuffTree(left=t1, right=t2, weight=weight)

    // Return the final Huffman tree
    return huffHeap.removeMin() 

buildHuffTree takes as input frequencies, a map that tells how many times each character occurs in the text to be compressed. It first initialises a min-heap of Huffman trees, creating one singleton Huffman tree from each character.

The main body of buildHuffTree consists of a while loop that does the following: It takes the first two trees off the heap, and creates a new tree by making them subtrees. The weight of the new tree is the sum of the two children trees. Finally, it adds the new tree to the min-heap.

7.4.2 Assigning and Using Huffman Codes

Once the Huffman tree has been constructed, it is an easy matter to assign codes to individual letters. Beginning at the root, we assign either a ‘0’ or a ‘1’ to each edge in the tree. ‘0’ is assigned to edges connecting a node with its left child, and ‘1’ to edges connecting a node with its right child. This process is illustrated by the following slideshow.

Now that we see how the edges associate with bits in the code, it is a simple matter to generate the codes for each letter (since each letter corresponds to a leaf node in the tree).

Now that we have a code for each letter, encoding a text message is done by replacing each letter of the message with its binary code. A lookup table can be used for this purpose.

7.4.3 Decoding

A set of codes is said to meet the prefix property if no code in the set is the prefix of another. The prefix property guarantees that there will be no ambiguity in how a bit string is decoded. In other words, once we reach the last bit of a code during the decoding process, we know which letter it is the code for. Huffman codes certainly have the prefix property because any prefix for a code would correspond to an internal node, while all codes correspond to leaf nodes.

When we decode a character using the Huffman coding tree, we follow a path through the tree dictated by the bits in the code string. Each ‘0’ bit indicates a left branch while each ‘1’ bit indicates a right branch. The following slideshow shows an example for how to decode a message by traversing the tree appropriately.

7.4.4 How efficient is Huffman coding?

In theory, Huffman coding is an optimal coding method whenever the true frequencies are known, and the frequency of a letter is independent of the context of that letter in the message. In practice, the frequencies of letters in an English text document do change depending on context. For example, while E is the most commonly used letter of the alphabet in English documents, T is more common as the first letter of a word. This is why most commercial compression utilities do not use Huffman coding as their primary coding method, but instead use techniques that take advantage of the context for the letters.

Another factor that affects the compression efficiency of Huffman coding is the relative frequencies of the letters. Some frequency patterns will save no space as compared to fixed-length codes; others can result in great compression. In general, Huffman coding does better when there is large variation in the frequencies of letters.

Example: Expected savings

In the particular case of the frequencies shown in Table #Freq, we can determine the expected savings from Huffman coding if the actual frequencies of a coded message match the expected frequencies. Because the sum of the frequencies is 306 and E has frequency 120, we expect it to appear 120 times in a message containing 306 letters. An actual message might or might not meet this expectation. Letters D, L, and U have code lengths of three, and together are expected to appear 121 times in 306 letters. Letter C has a code length of four, and is expected to appear 32 times in 306 letters. Letter M has a code length of five, and is expected to appear 24 times in 306 letters. Finally, letters K and Z have code lengths of six, and together are expected to appear only 9 times in 306 letters. The average expected cost per character is simply the sum of the cost for each character (cic_i) times the probability of its occurring (pip_i), or c1p1+c2p2++cnpn.c_1 p_1 + c_2 p_2 + \cdots + c_n p_n. This can be reorganized as c1f1+c2f2++cnfnfT\frac{c_1 f_1 + c_2 f_2 + \cdots + c_n f_n}{f_T}, where fif_i is the (relative) frequency of letter ii and fTf_T is the total for all letter frequencies. For this set of frequencies, the expected cost per letter is [(1×120)+(3×121)+(4×32)+(5×24)+(6×9)]/306=785/3062.57.[(1 \times 120) + (3 \times 121) + (4 \times 32) + (5 \times 24) + (6 \times 9)]/306 = 785/306 \approx 2.57.

A fixed-length code for these eight characters would require log8=3\log 8 = 3 bits per letter as opposed to about 2.57 bits per letter for Huffman coding. Thus, Huffman coding is expected to save about 14% for this set of letters.

Huffman coding for all ASCII symbols should do better than this example. The letters of Table #Freq are atypical in that there are too many common letters compared to the number of rare letters. Huffman coding for all 26 letters would yield an expected cost of 4.29 bits per letter. The equivalent fixed-length code would require about five bits. This is somewhat unfair to fixed-length coding because there is actually room for 32 codes in five bits, but only 26 letters. More generally, Huffman coding of a typical text file will save around 40% over ASCII coding if we charge ASCII coding at eight bits per character. Huffman coding for a binary file (such as a compiled executable) would have a very different set of distribution frequencies and so would have a different space savings. Most commercial compression programs use two or three coding schemes to adjust to different types of files.

In decoding example, “DEED” was coded in 8 bits, a saving of 33% over the twelve bits required from a fixed-length coding. However, “MUCK” would require 18 bits, more space than required by the corresponding fixed-length coding. The problem is that “MUCK” is composed of letters that are not expected to occur often. If the message does not match the expected frequencies of the letters, than the length of the encoding will not be as expected either.

You can use the following visualization to create a huffman tree for your own set of letters and frequencies.

7.4.5 Trees versus Tries

We see that all letters with codes beginning with ‘0’ are stored in the left branch, while all letters with codes beginning with ‘1’ are stored in the right branch. Contrast this with storing records in a BST. There, all records with key value less than the root value are stored in the left branch, while all records with key values greater than the root are stored in the right branch.

Recall that the Huffman coding tree stored in the left branch all letters whose codes start with 0, and in the right branch all letters whose codes start with 1. We can use this same concept to store records in a search tree that is slightly different from the behavior of a BST. We can view all keys stored as appearing on a numberline. The BST splits the numberline based on the positions of key values as it receives them. In contrast, we could split key values based on their binary reprsentation similar to what the Huffman coding tree does. The following slideshows present this in more detail.

7.4.6 Proof of Optimality for Huffman Coding

Huffman tree building is an example of a greedy algorithm. At each step, the algorithm makes a “greedy” decision to merge the two subtrees with least weight. This makes the algorithm simple, but does it give the desired result? This section concludes with a proof that the Huffman tree indeed gives the most efficient arrangement for the set of letters. The proof requires the following lemma.

Lemma: For any Huffman tree built by function buildHuff containing at least two letters, the two letters with least frequency are stored in sibling nodes whose depth is at least as deep as any other leaf nodes in the tree.

Proof: Call the two letters with least frequency l1l_1 and l2l_2. They must be siblings because buildHuff selects them in the first step of the construction process. Assume that l1l_1 and l2l_2 are not the deepest nodes in the tree. In this case, the Huffman tree must either look as shown in Figure #HProof, or effectively symmetrical to this. For this situation to occur, the parent of l1l_1 and l2l_2, labeled VV, must have greater weight than the node labeled XX. Otherwise, function buildHuff would have selected node VV in place of node XX as the child of node UU. However, this is impossible because l1l_1 and l2l_2 are the letters with least frequency.

An impossible Huffman tree, showing the situation where the two nodes with least weight, l1l_1 and l2l_2, are not the deepest nodes in the tree. Triangles represent subtrees.

Here is the proof.

Theorem: Function buildHuff builds the Huffman tree with the minimum external path weight for the given set of letters.

Proof: The proof is by induction on nn, the number of letters.

  • Base Case: For n=2n = 2, the Huffman tree must have the minimum external path weight because there are only two possible trees, each with identical weighted path lengths for the two leaves.
  • Induction Hypothesis: Assume that any tree created by buildHuff that contains n1n-1 leaves has minimum external path length.
  • Induction Step: Given a Huffman tree 𝐓\mathbf{T} built by buildHuff with nn leaves, n2n \geq 2, suppose that w1w2...wnw_1 \leq w_2 \leq ... \leq w_n where w1w_1 to wnw_n are the weights of the letters. Call VV the parent of the letters with frequencies w1w_1 and w2w_2. From the lemma, we know that the leaf nodes containing the letters with frequencies w1w_1 and w2w_2 are as deep as any nodes in 𝐓\mathbf{T}. If any other leaf nodes in the tree were deeper, we could reduce their weighted path length by swapping them with w1w_1 or w2w_2. But the lemma tells us that no such deeper nodes exist. Call 𝐓\mathbf{T}' the Huffman tree that is identical to 𝐓\mathbf{T} except that node VV is replaced with a leaf node VV' whose weight is w1+w2w_1 + w_2. By the induction hypothesis, 𝐓\mathbf{T}' has minimum external path length. Returning the children to VV' restores tree 𝐓\mathbf{T}, which must also have minimum external path length.

Thus by mathematical induction, function buildHuff creates the Huffman tree with minimum external path length.