5.10 General Trees

Many organizations are hierarchical in nature, such as the military and most businesses. Consider a company with a president and some number of vice presidents who report to the president. Each vice president has some number of direct subordinates, and so on. If we wanted to model this company with a data structure, it would be natural to think of the president in the root node of a tree, the vice presidents at level 1, and their subordinates at lower levels in the tree as we go down the organizational hierarchy.

Because the number of vice presidents is likely to be more than two, this companyโ€™s organization cannot easily be represented by a binary tree. We need instead to use a tree whose nodes have an arbitrary number of children. Unfortunately, when we permit trees to have nodes with an arbitrary number of children, they become much harder to implement than binary trees. We consider such trees in this chapter. To distinguish them from binary trees, we use the term general tree.

In this module we will examine general tree terminology and define a basic class for general trees.

5.10.1 General Tree Definitions and Terminology

A tree ๐“\mathbf{T} is a finite set of one or more nodes such that there is one designated node RR, called the root of ๐“\mathbf{T}. If the set (๐“โˆ’{R})(\mathbf{T} -\{R\}) is not empty, these nodes are partitioned into n>0n > 0 disjoint sets ๐“0\mathbf{T}_0, ๐“1\mathbf{T}_1, ..., ๐“nโˆ’1\mathbf{T}_{n-1}, each of which is a tree, and whose roots R1,R2,...,RnR_1, R_2, ..., R_n, respectively, are children of RR. The subsets ๐“i(0โ‰คi<n)\mathbf{T}_i (0 \leq i < n) are said to be subtrees of ๐“\mathbf{T}. These subtrees are ordered in that ๐“i\mathbf{T}_i is said to come before ๐“j\mathbf{T}_j if i<ji < j. By convention, the subtrees are arranged from left to right with subtree ๐“0\mathbf{T}_0 called the leftmost child of RR. A nodeโ€™s out degree is the number of children for that node. A forest is a collection of one or more trees. Figure #GenTreeFig presents further tree notation generalized from the notation for binary trees.

Notation for general trees. Node PP is the parent of nodes VV, S1S1, and S2S2. Thus, VV, S1S1, and S2S2 are children of PP. Nodes RR and PP are ancestors of VV. Nodes VV, S1S1, and S2S2 are called siblings. The oval surrounds the subtree having VV as its root.

Each node in a tree has precisely one parent, except for the root, which has no parent. From this observation, it immediately follows that a tree with nn nodes must have nโˆ’1n-1 edges because each node, aside from the root, has one edge connecting that node to its parent.

5.10.2 An ADT for General Tree Nodes

Before discussing general tree implementations, we should first make precise what operations such implementations must support. Any implementation must be able to initialize a tree. Given a tree, we need access to the root of that tree. There must be some way to access the children of a node. In the case of binary tree nodes, this was done by providing instance variables for the left and right child pointers. Unfortunately, because we do not know in advance how many children a given node will have in the general tree, we cannot give explicit functions to access each child. An alternative must be found that works for an unknown number of children.

One choice would be to provide a function that takes as its parameter the index for the desired child. That combined with a function that returns the number of children for a given node would support the ability to access any node or process all children of a node. Unfortunately, this view of access tends to bias the choice for node implementations in favor of an array-based approach, because these functions favor random access to a list of children.

An alternative is to provide access to a List of the children pointers. This list can be an array-based list or a linked list or even a dynamic function generating the children on demand. The only thing we will assume is that it follows the List ADT, as described in the section about the List ADT.

// General tree nodes
class GTNode:
    GTNode(elem, children):
        this.elem = elem          // This is the value, just as for binary nodes
        this.children = children  // This is a List of GTNodes

5.10.3 General Tree Traversals

There are three traditional tree traversals for binary trees: preorder, postorder, and inorder. For general trees, preorder and postorder traversals are defined with meanings similar to their binary tree counterparts. Preorder traversal of a general tree first visits the root of the tree, then performs a preorder traversal of each subtree from left to right. A postorder traversal of a general tree performs a postorder traversal of the rootโ€™s subtrees from left to right, then visits the root. Inorder traversal does not have a natural definition for the general tree, because there is no particular number of children for an internal node. An arbitrary definition โ€“ such as visit the leftmost subtree in inorder, then the root, then visit the remaining subtrees in inorder โ€“ can be invented. However, inorder traversals are generally not useful with general trees.

To perform a preorder traversal, it is necessary to visit each of the children for a given node (say RR) from left to right. This is accomplished by starting at Rโ€™s leftmost child (call it TT). From TT, we can move to TTโ€™s right sibling, and then to that nodeโ€™s right sibling, and so on.

Using the General Tree class shown above, here are implementations to process the nodes of a general tree in preorder and in postorder. The code is very simple, but this is because we defer all the complexity to the underlying List implementation of the children.

function preorder(node):
    for each child in node.children:

function postorder(node):
    for each child in node.children: